“Kim at Care For Mom was an absolute angel! We decided to hire a Doula for my second birth as my first labor and delivery experience did not go as planned or desired. As I prepared to attempt a VBAC, Kim came alongside my husband and I as a voice of encouragement and resource. She provided stretches and positions to help baby get into optimal position the weeks leading up to my due date. She was even a listening ear as I encountered almost three weeks of prodromal labor! Each time I texted or called, she was right there to answer and listen to my frustrations. When the time finally came, Kim met us at the hospital right away and provided a calm environment for me to labor. My labor and delivery was quick, peaceful, and miraculous. I will never forget Kim quoting Philippians 4:13 while I labored in the tub. Ironically, our little girl made her entrance on 4/13/23. I truly believe that having Kim by our side contributed to us having the redemptive water birth VBAC that we prayed and hoped for!”

Crimson Bailey, April 2023

Kim Nowokunski

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