Written by Doula Hannah Sears
Let’s talk about VBACs! VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) rates are on the rise, but unfortunately many women still receive a lot of push back from providers when seeking support for their birth plan. “Your baby’s size increases your chance of rupture”, “VBACs shouldn’t go to 42 weeks”, “We don’t induce VBACs”, and so much more misinformation will be thrown at them, with the biggest scare tactic being the chance of uterine rupture. But as doulas and as the informed mamas we want you to be, we know it’s important to look at ALL sides of research and information and know our options! So, let’s look at what the evidence and research tells us about VBACs:
For a healthy, low risk pregnant mother, the risk of uterine rupture after 1 cesarean is about 0.47%. (That’s less than half a percent)
ACOG states that babies size or gestation past 40 weeks are not reasons to prevent a VBAC.
Women with multiple prior cesareans can still be considered candidates for VBACs. The risk of rupture increases, but only slightly.
ACOG considers Pitocin a reasonable choice of induction for mother’s attempting a VBAC.
Does this mean that a VBAC is the right option for everyone or that you should have a VBAC if it isn’t something you feel comfortable with? Definitely not! But it does mean you can approach your provider armed with information and ready to advocate for yourself. One of my favorite sayings is “if you don’t know your options, you don’t have any!” Do your research, know the facts, and find a truly supportive provider (and maybe an awesome doula as well ). With the right tools and birth team, you can rock this VBAC!
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Have you heard any other misinformation about VBACs? We would love to hear about your VBAC story!
If you’re seeking more information and research regarding VBACS, here are a few great places to start:
#VBAC #cesarean #birthalternatives #birth #doulasupport #doula #options #advocate #evidencebasedbirth